The science of quantum dots has evolved rapidly in recent years. A quantitative and comprehensive examination of the research domain is required to identify research trends and directions in the field. This work, a systematic review of 4176 scientific articles published in the Web of Science database between 2014 and 2023, results from collaborative efforts. The results, based on two citation analysis methods- bibliographic coupling and cited reference method- identify some of the most active and influential documents, authors, countries, cited references, and keywords in the field. The study reveals rankings, collaboration networks, and clusters of contributions to the literature. The study found that the most bibliographic coupling documents were Lim, 2015, and the countries with the most publications and collaborations have been China and the USA. Specifically, the fourth cluster of authors is linked with each cluster, and the most frequently cited reference is Murray CB, 1993, Journal of the American Chemical Society VII5, P8706. Quantum dots stand out prominently, ranking second in occurrences with 1864 mentions and relative influence. This research is a testament to the collaborative nature of scientific inquiry in understanding the current state and future directions of quantum dots research.
Published in | American Journal of Information Science and Technology (Volume 8, Issue 3) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ajist.20240804.11 |
Page(s) | 98-110 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Quantum Dots, Bibliometrics, Bibliographic Coupling, Cited Reference, Social Network Analysis, and VOSviewer
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APA Style
Rajendran, S., Ramalingam, J., Shanmugam, T. (2024). Mapping the Field of Quantum Dots Literature: Bibliographic Coupling and Cited Reference. American Journal of Information Science and Technology, 8(3), 98-110.
ACS Style
Rajendran, S.; Ramalingam, J.; Shanmugam, T. Mapping the Field of Quantum Dots Literature: Bibliographic Coupling and Cited Reference. Am. J. Inf. Sci. Technol. 2024, 8(3), 98-110. doi: 10.11648/j.ajist.20240804.11
@article{10.11648/j.ajist.20240804.11, author = {Sargunapathi Rajendran and Jeyshankar Ramalingam and Thanuskodi Shanmugam}, title = {Mapping the Field of Quantum Dots Literature: Bibliographic Coupling and Cited Reference }, journal = {American Journal of Information Science and Technology}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {98-110}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajist.20240804.11}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {The science of quantum dots has evolved rapidly in recent years. A quantitative and comprehensive examination of the research domain is required to identify research trends and directions in the field. This work, a systematic review of 4176 scientific articles published in the Web of Science database between 2014 and 2023, results from collaborative efforts. The results, based on two citation analysis methods- bibliographic coupling and cited reference method- identify some of the most active and influential documents, authors, countries, cited references, and keywords in the field. The study reveals rankings, collaboration networks, and clusters of contributions to the literature. The study found that the most bibliographic coupling documents were Lim, 2015, and the countries with the most publications and collaborations have been China and the USA. Specifically, the fourth cluster of authors is linked with each cluster, and the most frequently cited reference is Murray CB, 1993, Journal of the American Chemical Society VII5, P8706. Quantum dots stand out prominently, ranking second in occurrences with 1864 mentions and relative influence. This research is a testament to the collaborative nature of scientific inquiry in understanding the current state and future directions of quantum dots research. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Mapping the Field of Quantum Dots Literature: Bibliographic Coupling and Cited Reference AU - Sargunapathi Rajendran AU - Jeyshankar Ramalingam AU - Thanuskodi Shanmugam Y1 - 2024/12/31 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ajist.20240804.11 T2 - American Journal of Information Science and Technology JF - American Journal of Information Science and Technology JO - American Journal of Information Science and Technology SP - 98 EP - 110 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2640-0588 UR - AB - The science of quantum dots has evolved rapidly in recent years. A quantitative and comprehensive examination of the research domain is required to identify research trends and directions in the field. This work, a systematic review of 4176 scientific articles published in the Web of Science database between 2014 and 2023, results from collaborative efforts. The results, based on two citation analysis methods- bibliographic coupling and cited reference method- identify some of the most active and influential documents, authors, countries, cited references, and keywords in the field. The study reveals rankings, collaboration networks, and clusters of contributions to the literature. The study found that the most bibliographic coupling documents were Lim, 2015, and the countries with the most publications and collaborations have been China and the USA. Specifically, the fourth cluster of authors is linked with each cluster, and the most frequently cited reference is Murray CB, 1993, Journal of the American Chemical Society VII5, P8706. Quantum dots stand out prominently, ranking second in occurrences with 1864 mentions and relative influence. This research is a testament to the collaborative nature of scientific inquiry in understanding the current state and future directions of quantum dots research. VL - 8 IS - 3 ER -